The place I work for sells very expensive handbags. The prices of these handbags range from a couple hundred up to at least one grand or more. When you carry this bag you're sure to have more than a few heads turn your way because the bag is NOT just any other bag. It's one of the "it" bags of all time. When a customer walks in they know what they're buying. Working in a retail setting means you're almost always sure to have a conversation with your customer whether it's a mini dialogue about what they're buying or listening to their life story. (ok...I'm exaggerating on the life story part but still...) Sometimes there can be some funny remarks or come back dialogue between me and a customer. Like this one time I was helping a lady pick out a bag out of a few she was holding and there was one she really love but the price was a little out of her range:
Customer: "oh I LOVE this bag but the husband's going to divorce me if I buy it"
Me: "at least you'll get to keep the bag."
Another time a male walked in the store and I was a greeter:
Me: "welcome to our store...everything is on sale today!"
Customer: "Including you?"
Me: "No sir..I'm priceless!"
Customer: "Is everything free today?"
Me: "oh, you missed that was yesterday!"
Just recently a customer I've helped before came to the store and remembered me. I noticed she was looking at me intently and with curiosity then the conversation started:
Customer: "hey!" O.M.G.! your HAIR is SO short!
Me: (I answered back in a way as if I know or remember her and made a friendly conversation with her) "hey! I know! the lady kept cutting my hair..I had to tell her to stop."
Customer: "I like your hair when it was longer. How are you?"
Me: "I'm doing fine. How are you?"
Customer: "oh..I have not been in this store for three years. Whenever I shop here with my husband I look for you.."
Me: "yeah..I know..I have not seen you two in a while. How is he?"
Customer: "oh he passed away..."
Me: "oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?"
Customer: " I'm ok. I remarried now."
Me: "oh! congratulations..!"
then I met her new husband.
I have another customer that always call me by my first name. I asked her how does she remembers my name and she said I'm the only gemma she knows of.
It's fun where I work. I get to meet interesting people.
I am again participating in another blog hop this weekend. This time it's the "Aloha Friday Blog Hop". I've accumulated quite a few reads since I started joining blog hop parties. The best part about blog hop parties is there's always more great blogs to discover.
journally yours,
Customer: "oh I LOVE this bag but the husband's going to divorce me if I buy it"
Me: "at least you'll get to keep the bag."
Another time a male walked in the store and I was a greeter:
Me: "welcome to our store...everything is on sale today!"
Customer: "Including you?"
Me: "No sir..I'm priceless!"
Customer: "Is everything free today?"
Me: "oh, you missed that was yesterday!"
Just recently a customer I've helped before came to the store and remembered me. I noticed she was looking at me intently and with curiosity then the conversation started:
Customer: "hey!" O.M.G.! your HAIR is SO short!
Me: (I answered back in a way as if I know or remember her and made a friendly conversation with her) "hey! I know! the lady kept cutting my hair..I had to tell her to stop."
Customer: "I like your hair when it was longer. How are you?"
Me: "I'm doing fine. How are you?"
Customer: "oh..I have not been in this store for three years. Whenever I shop here with my husband I look for you.."
Me: "yeah..I know..I have not seen you two in a while. How is he?"
Customer: "oh he passed away..."
Me: "oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?"
Customer: " I'm ok. I remarried now."
Me: "oh! congratulations..!"
then I met her new husband.
I have another customer that always call me by my first name. I asked her how does she remembers my name and she said I'm the only gemma she knows of.
It's fun where I work. I get to meet interesting people.
journally yours,
I worked retail for 15 years... don't miss it at all! Lol. Your blog is really funny. Newest follower here... was hoping that you would pop on by my blog and follow back if you like what you read!
Working retail can definitely start some interesting dialogue. I like that one where the customer asked if you were for sale...More so, I liked your reply! ;)
I'm a new follower via GFC and bloglovin, and I'm already adoring your blog!
I think it is nice when as a customer the sales person remembers my name, like when I go to the post office or the chemist both places I am called by my first name and I like it..............
On the topic of handbags well I recently bought myself a new handbag but it didn't cost anywhere near the price I think yours cost.....I paid only $7 for it.......reduced down from $30
Lol , these all dialogues are incredible . I love to chit chat with store staff when I visit mall , and they're always so funny .
I am glad you linked up with Grab a friend :)Following back .
Noor @ Noor's Place
Just found your blog!
Now following!
Looking forward to keeping up and getting to know you.
I also have a blog design site, if you ever need a blog makeover check it out :)
How great that you have so much fun with your work!
Thank you for stopping by the other day! I'm excited to read more from you and am a new follower!
Holly at Not Done Growing
aziiz itnā hī rakkho ki jī sambhal jaa.esatta kingab is qadar bhī na chāho ki dam nikal jaa.e
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